The Butcher Block
An irregular podcast about all things Jim Butcher as well as the things Jim's fans find cool.


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January 2007
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BB011 - Alera Love

(26min 21sec) Fred and Priscilla talk news, and the listeners phone in their Alera Love.

Call in and leave the show voicemail at 301-6377-HAT!

The Music
- 2006 Pl@stic Soul
- .22

News Items with Priscellie
- September 4th, Release of Many Bloody Returns, "It's My Birthday Too." Book signings all across the country. Jim was in Kansas City at B&N. Early September book signings for Many Bloody Returns
- Cover art for Supernatural Honeymoon! Edited by P.N. Elrod, out December 26th. My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon Cover Art
- Subterranean Press
- Real Life Comics Dresden Files Sighting
- Codex Alera on Unshelved
- The Drumstick Campaign
- Jericho
- New Home 4 Dresden Petition
- PhauxCon in Philly, October 5-7
- Shannon Butcher
- The Dresden Files RPG Playtest Application

Alera Love
- Read about the Codex Alera
- We hear from Fred, Priscilla, Jackie in Austin, Meg, Charles from Texas, Gloria, and "The Man in the Shadows"... spooky.

Quick Addendums
- Strange Brew on P.N. Elrod's Livejournal
- Captain's Fury cover art preview

Comment on this Show over at Jim-Butcher.Com

Direct download: BB011_-_Alera_Love.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:20pm EST

BB010 - Short and Bittersweet (14m:23s) Short and bittersweet. Here are the relevant notes.

TV Guide on the Cancellation

The Mos Eisley that is the Sci Fi Dresden Files Board

The TV Series Forum Board on Jim-Butcher.Com

Alera Love Call-In Number! 1-301-6377-HAT (1-301-637-7428) Call in and share the love, dammit!

Discuss this episode on the Jim-Butcher.Com Forum.

Direct download: BB010_-_Short_and_Bittersweet.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:09pm EST

BB009 - Waiting on the World to Change (30m 24s) Fred talks with Ryan Macklin about Finis: A Book of Endings to Give People New Beginnings. Also, updates on various Jim-Butcher.Com news items from Priscellie, and a TV show news update (such as it is) from Mickey Finn.

New Blurbs - Captain's Fury and It's My Birthday Too: News Item!

Heorot: News Item!

The Laws of Magic Series on Dresden Files RPG: Part One Part Two Part Three

Free Button Giveaway: News Item!

Dresden Files Series Season 1 DVD: Amazon Preorder

Storm Front and Fool Moon in Hardcover: Preorder Storm Front Preorder Fool Moon

The Jim-Butcher.Com Store: Store Link

Mickey Finn's TV Show News: Forum Thread

Going Green - Reduce your carbon emissions! Learn more here

My house's stats on what going green did for us and the environment: Blog post

Finis: A Book of Endings to Give People New Beginnings: Product info page

Preorder Finis at Indie Press Revolution: Preorder it here!

Ryan Macklin's Master Plan: The Podcast

Paul Tevis's Have Games, Will Travel: The Podcast

Discuss this episode over on the Jim-Butcher.Com Forums
Direct download: BB009_-_Waiting_on_the_World_to_C.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:04pm EST

BB008 - The Shape of Things to Come (31min 45sec) Fred plugs in for a quick episode in a new format. He checks in with Butcher Block News Correspondant Priscellie for an update on everything that's happened since the last episode, and goes over to the grill with Chad Underkoffler to cook up some "butcher burgers", looking into discrepancies in the continuity of the novels.

The Music: News with Priscellie: Bumper Breaking News Bumper Butcher Burgers with Chad Underkoffler (Spoiler Warning!)
Direct download: BB008_-_The_Shape_of_Things_to_Come.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:02am EST

BB007 - A Storm's A-Comin', Pa! (43min 04sec) Fred (or is that Iago?) talks about visiting with Jim at StellarCon, dishes on the future of the Dresden Files and Codex Alera series, and with White Night about to hit stores, talks about Dresden #10. Plus, information about Jim's signing tour and bookstore appearances, a deeper look at the foundations of the Dresden Files RPG, and a chat with one of our forum regulars about the last four episodes of the TV show.

The Music: Catching Up at StellarCon: Jim's April Signing Tour: White Night Codex Alera The Dresden Files RPG Dresden Files TV Downloads Fred's Quick Plugs Priscilla's Quick Plugs Ryan Macklin's Master Plan:

To discuss this episode, come on over to the Jim-Butcher.Com Forums:,2396.0.html
Direct download: BB007_-_A_Storms_A-Comin_Pa.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:03pm EST

BB006 - The Curse of Knowledge (39min 26sec) Fred talks about the Curse of Knowledge when it comes to the TV show, and brings on a friend who's seen the TV show but never read the books to help apply a "filter". But first, some news about how you can see Jim in March and April, how you can see him on the set of the TV show, and how the TV show's been doing in the downloadable arena. Plus, a small update on the progress of the RPG.

The Music: Jim's Appearances in March & April: White Night Behind the Scenes Dresden Files Downloads The Dresden Files RPG Chad's Quick Plugs
Direct download: BB006_-_The_Curse_of_Knowledge.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:09pm EST

BB005 - Doomboxes and Deadly Doorknobs (40min 30sec) Fred returns to talk about the first two episodes of the TV show, hints at some upcoming news about White Night, fails to get Jim on the line due to a deadline, and touches on his experience at Dreamation 2007. Plus, he sits down with Dresden Files RPG co-author Rob Donoghue to talk about the Dresden Files on TV.

The Music: Gaming: Dresden Files: Conversation with Rob Donoghue:
Direct download: BB005_-_Doomboxes_and_Deadly_Door.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:30pm EST

BB004 - Furious Nerds and Prime Cuts (21 min 2 sec) Fred's running off to Dreamation and Jim's on pain medication, so this episode deviated a bit from our original expectations. You'll find a short commentary on the first episode of the TV series, "Birds of a Feather", including an apology Robert Wolfe made about some of the episode, as well as Fred's thoughts on controversy. But that's all secondary to this episode's special "Prime Cut" from the upcoming Summer Knight audio book...

The Music: Dreamation:

Summer Knight Audio:
Direct download: BB004_-_Furious_Nerds_and_Prime_C.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:19pm EST

BB003 - Are You Ready For Some Dresden? (16MB, 28m18s) We're less than a week from the broadcast of the Dresden Files TV series. Are you ready? Fred talks about Jim's recent visit to the set, viewing parties, a good reading order for the books of the series, the first five episodes, and some early reviews. Plus, he dishes a little on White Night.

The Music: Promos & Bumpers: Jim's reports from the set: The Books: First Five Episodes Synopses: Entertainment Weekly review: Quick Plugs:
Direct download: BB_003_-_Are_You_Ready_For_Some_Dresden.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:52pm EST

BB002 - Art & Criticism Fred talks with Chris McGrath, cover artist for The Dresden Files. He also delves into the nature of "good" vs "bad" criticism, how to handle the negative varieties of both, and looks at some of the best art in small press RPGs from 2006. The Music: Promos & Bumpers: Mentioned During the Show: Quick Plugs from Fred:
Direct download: BB_002_-_Art_and_Criticism.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:30pm EST